Saturday, February 25

New Blog! I know It's stinks when you have a friend that loves to create a new blog every month...but I've made the switch to wordpress for my blog because I got a cool coupon and it looks good and I need a fresh start...anyway...I will no longer publish here.

In the future look for me at the new

Wednesday, February 8

Short Nostalgia: The Jimmer

There are some who say that the spark that was Jimmer has been extinguished. His fame and skill in basketball reached its peak and is now on a graceful descent into basketball trivia. Yes, Jimmer was a phenomenon in his time, but the future holds no place for this one hit wonder. My answer is that you were not there when Jimmer scored 50 points against Utah. You didn't see him sink a three from half court against TCU. You didn't suffer agony when we played New Mexico. You didn't have heartache when Brandon Davies was absent, nor worry if we would ever see him dougie again. How involved were you with the Michelle Peralta controversy? If you we there, then shame on you for loosing the mystique and legend that is Jimmer out of your heart.

Those who know, who have kept The Jimmer alive in their hearts, who still attend devotional in the Jimmernacle, whose ears perk up when news of the Sacramento Kings draws nigh, or have written contracts and pinned them above their beds, we believe a statue of Jimmer must needs be erected on campus and will not rest until either all earthly efforts to do so are employed, or the task is completed and enjoyed.

For those of you who want to watch the Jimmer documentary I will be showing it in my house around 7:00. This is for both dedicated disciples and the newly converted or curious.

Tuesday, February 7

Short Thought: Sunrise

Today I was walking to school, that is from the parking lot to school, with my good friend Michaela. I was not in the best mood. Lately It seems as if I cannot reach even the tiniest of goals or qualify for the lowest of standards. These negative thoughts were exacerbated by the bitter cold that makes me want to display an ugly frown to show the world just how awful my life is. It was while I indulged in these selfish, false thoughts that michaela turned to me and said something like, "I like that, how the sun is peeking over the mountain." I looked up from my feet to the sky and saw just a bit of the sun making its way above the cold, snowy, Utah mountains. I got a little excited and said, "It's coming!" A building blocked our view, until, walking out of the darkness, we were hit with the brilliant light and warmth of the full sun reaching over the mountain. My amazement spiraled into bitterness as I said quite loudly, "hello friend, I haven't seen you in awhile!" to which Michaela quietly replied, "no, he was here yesterday..." I felt a bit ashamed. He was here yesterday and I have been acting as if the world has organized itself to get back at me, but really it was organized and created for me to see and experience the glory of God. Some things are only there when you take the time to look at them and allow them bless your life.

It seems that with all that is going on in life, the nightmares, the bad grades, the awful cold, the slow running, the dirty kitchens, the missed opportunities, that there is always happiness readily available if I allow myself to accept that I deserve to be happy. Missed opportunities will open doors for even better experiences, dirty kitchens will need to be cleaned, but sometimes others will clean them until they are shiny, someday I will be able to maintain and get even faster than a creeping 10 minute mile for my 10K if I just keep running, the winter will yield to spring and summer, grades...well grades I will just have to stop being so lazy and kick my rear into gear, and the nightmares...the nightmares I'm putting on an alter for the Lord to bless me with or take from me, there are some things that only patience and faith can resolve, and getting to the point where you are actually patient is a blessing all on its own. Although I seem to want to feel like I am alone, I am grateful for family, friends, and strangers who teach me everyday that I am loved no matter what I want to say to myself. Thank You Michaela for showing me the light when I was looking into the darkness. It was all I needed to believe, that is at least for today, that I can make it.

Thursday, January 12

Short Thought: Cleanliness

First, I am sorry for my blogging hiatus. It isn't that I had nothing to blog about because the past six weeks have been very eventful and formative. It is just that I have been focused on starting school, buying books, making friends, doing homework, reading books...and cleaning.

Tonight I wanted to explore the idea of cleanliness. My whole life the pursuit of order and cleanliness has been a big deal. I cannot focus in a dirty or unorganized situation. If I find myself there, my focus is to clean or organize it. At times this obsession has taken the place of other necessary activities. In high school particularly, I mis-prioritized my life. Gradually I have learned that there is a good, better, and best. Sometimes cheering up a friend is more important than cleaning the dishes now. Sometimes the laundry will have to wait so that I can write a paper. And...this is hard to admit, but it does happen, sometimes it is more important to go to class than to shower.

This sometimes fanatical need to be clean, I think, comes from the idea that I feel dirty, or inadequate, and that by cleaning my surroundings I might eek out a little bit of control over the situation and clean it. I have struggled with this idea for a long time, and I am only now beginning to realize the futility of thinking it. In the Book of Acts the Lord admonishes Peter, "What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common" (Acts 10:15). However hard I have tried in the past to keep my surroundings, my body, my mind clean, it does not matter. In a sense, a kitchen countertop, a bathroom, or a life can always be cleaner. If there is no way I, myself, can keep physical things clean, then how much more impossible would it be for me to try to clean my own soul. The Lord's cleansing power for the soul is unique because it cleans completely. When He cleans, He makes us pristine. This is something we cannot do on our own. This is why he is called our Savior.

To all of those, myself included, who have felt used, inadequate, imperfect, or dirty, I urge you to look to  Jesus Christ to eradicate these false feelings to reveal you as a pristine, competent, perfect, and, even, clean person.

"Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind, and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God. And again, if ye by the grace of God are perfect in Christ, and deny not his power, then are ye sanctified in Christ by the grace of God, through the shedding of the blood of Christ, which is in the covenant of the Father unto the remission of your sins, that ye become holy, without spot (Moroni 10:32-33).

I am committed to stop denying the power of God to clean and order my life. I will realize now that calling myself unclean is denying that this power exists. "What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common"

Thursday, December 8

Short Explanation: Finals

To my followers, yes you one or two people who read this blog sparingly, as you know this is the last day of classes this semester and finals week is coming up. I apologize for the lack of posts, but you know how it is. I hope to be back to posting soon, but for now please don't give up on me, it's jut for a couple of days!

Monday, December 5

Short Trip: the Top of the Mountains Bowl

Saturday I went with my dad to watch Eastern Arizona College play Snow College for the Top of the Mountains Bowl trophy in football. It was held at the Rio Tinto Stadium in Sandy, UT. It was excessively cold. Good thing EAC had two suites to watch in the game in comfort. We lost but we had a great time. I was impressed with the loyalty the gila monster fans showed by showing up in Utah.

I was really impressed with Brother Palmer. He is probably the best fan of EAC sports. He has probably done more for EAC than any other individual the colleges history. I have great respect for him because of how he treats others and how he treats his family. One of my favorite people is his daughter, Mellani Larson, who I got to know when I attended Thatcher High School. She was one of the secretaries, and by that I mean she kept the place together. Another one of my favorite people is Molli Norton, his grand daughter. She is a great example of being cheerful even when it is hard and she is a great leader. Brother Palmer even showed his lighter side. I hope Santa grants his Christmas wish...

Thursday, December 1

Short Film: Tangled

I have been sick for the last few days and have found comfort in watching endorphin inducing movies. Unfortunately, my all time go to sick movie, Gone With the Wind, was not on Netflix, so I searched around until I found Disney's Tangled. This is probably the fifth time I've seen it; my reaction to it has been consistent. I do not feel like I learned anything too new about the varieties of human expression, nor did the movie take a cathartic effect on me, until my friends brought out some differences of opinion.

Some of them argued that Rapunzel showed an unnatural reaction to her mom's, Mother Gothel's, death. They argued that the woman had raised her, taken care of her, as any mother would have. They quoted the line where Gothel says, "I love you," Rapunzel responds, "I love you more," and Gothel says, "I love you most." How tender. One argument I have heard is that little girls around the world are going to think that their mothers are villains because Mother Gothel is not overwhelmingly, nor overtly evil.

My answer to these statements are that no person is intrinsically evil. Also, I would expect a child to revolt against parents that are blatantly sarcastic and passive aggressive. I would encourage children everywhere to combat this. Mother Gothel repeatedly calls her daughter stupid, dumb, fat, weak, and overall inadequate, followed up with a laugh and "I'm just kidding!" and "This is why I love you," or "This is why you need me." It is some of the most disgusting verbal abuse and I applaud Disney's decision to show this kind of behavior as villainous, and to not show the remorse that Rapunzel might have felt from the antagonist's death.

All of this aside, because I had taken theraflu nighttime I had no trouble falling asleep throughout and after the film. In my dreams I had the most curious power of healing people when I cried on them. It took me a minute to realize my adventures and powers were not real, but it started me thinking on how they could be. I feel like we can help people heal as we cry with them, to be "Willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places" (Mosiah 18:9) is a special power. Anyone would say if they had a super power, they would use it as much as they could. We all do have super powers with our individual gifts to serve, relate to, comfort, and cry with. Let's use them. Let's use our natural human power to help, and by doing so, allow ourselves to be helped in the same way.

Tangled is a film by Disney. The scriptural quote is from The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.